Thursday, February 28, 2019

Attention All Planets... We Have Resumed Control (or; The Blog Apologist Intro)

Much like my ever-growing awe for the zine format, my interest for the ancient technique of "blog posting" has peaked to the point that I've now set up one for COAL. An ancient ritual from the early internet era makes a comeback to promote another ancient ritual from the pre-internet era, how fitting.

I suppose while I am at it, I might as well make up some excuses for the extra bandwidth being used. I mean after all, in the era in which social media reigns supreme when it comes to sending out information, what's the use? Well, for one, it does make for a more "professional" looking front for trying to sell copies I suppose. Having a site with some effort in the design department makes for a better pitch as opposed to some guy on Instagram with "DM your money" in his bio. The "Order A Copy" page has information as to how to spen-I mean, wast-no wait, spend your money on a copy of the zine.

A blog also makes it easier to link local artists and shit like that as well, and speaking of, that "Antelope Valley Links" button you see at the top of the page contains social media links to bands, venues, and labels that are/were associated with the scene, so if you're even a little interested I'd suggest you go there now.

In fact, blogs are great for listing off links to different pages and sites in general. The "Contact" button will have the e-mail and Instagram information relating to the zine, which makes for a great section to send off submissions for future issues. It also doubles as the place to go to for sending your hate mail and lawsuit threats, in fact if you really fucking hate this site, you could just click on the "Youtube" button, which will send you to the COAL Youtube page. That way, instead of feasting your eyes on this blog, you could instead watch performances by great bands that deserve the attention!

So, yeah. I think I did a decent enough job giving this blog a reason to exist. I plan on updating weekly, every Monday with updates and other shit that wasn't good enough to make it into the issue, so feel free to check back often and to link this page on your shit list of sites.

With love, S.O.S.

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